Heartbeat of Life podcast

Wednesday 11,10 Morning time with JB

Tuesday 12.9 night musical session

Saturday 2.9 night jam session. message from Psalm 24

Saturday night JB jam sessio

Monday 24.7 New season in the heartbeat of life

Keskiviikon aamu soitto alá style JB

Wednesday 22.2 Night session with the music and the thoughts from the Word Follow Me


Monday 6.2 Part II "The Currency of God "

5.2 relax Sunday night session.

Friday 13.1 live piano session

12.1 Thursday 50 years on the road with Jesus

Tuesday January 10 afternoon. Musical moment live from the home studio

Sunnuntai 25.12 yöradio ajankohtaista asiaa.

23.12.20 Perjantai Yö Radio osa 1

22.12.22 Thursday Christmas Concert Live.

Monday 19.12 Very late night jam session.

Thursday15.12 Music Memories and Messages

Saturday 19.11 Music and the broken message about Love of the eternal Father

Friday 11.11.2022 Musical time.

9.11 Keskiviikko ..Viisaus kutsuu

4.11 Friday Live Music memories thoughts.

Thursday 3.11 Say to Him...Here I am, send me.

Tiistai 13.9 Aamu kahvilla Jukka sedän kanssa.

Wednesday 7.9 The short musical JB jam session


Wednesday 3.8 Jam session ala style of JB

Tuesday 2.8 Jump in through the faith.

June 7 Tuesday. Musical jam session alá style of JB

Tuesday June 6 Special prayer program mixed with the music and thoughts

2.6 Ilta radiossa musiikkia. Aiheena Hän koskettaa.

20.4 Late night jam session ala style of JB

19.4 Thoughts: Stand up against the troops.


Tiistai 1.3.2022 Aamun aatokset aamukahvilla

24.2 Late night With Jey Bee

22.2.2022 What is our foundation?

17,2 Tuesday night International fellowship night.

14.2 Valentine´s day night concert ala style of JB

24.1 Maanantai extra Suomeksi

13.1 Thursday music and thoughts


7.12 Tiistai Uusi biisi " EN PELKÄÄ YÖN VARJOJA" ja MUISTOJEN ILTA

3.12 Jukka sedän musikaallinen Joulukalenteri

30.11 Musical Tuesday night.

Friday 5.11 Be Holy. Music JB

2.11 Tiistai Suomeksi päivitettyä tapahtuma tietoa missä mennään.

29.10 Friday night worship music. Style of JB

Monday 25.10 live night jam session

19.10 Tuesday Get to know Father through Jesus Christ. Song by JB In your presence.

18.10 Maanantai...Ystävyys / kaveruus

13.10 Wednesday Special guest from the Belgrad p Tomas Bulicek

Tuesday 12.10 Morning musical moment with the thought: We need peace.

7.9 Tuesday part 2 See what you have.

Monday night 6.9 new season opening. Do you see what you have ?

22.7 Thursday night Music and thought for the night Psalm 61

16.7 Perjantai Pysy nuorena loppuun saakka.

15.7 Thursday. Boiling world, Who wants fresh water. ?

22.6 Tuesday night Make your calling to be strong

28.5 What happen in 24.5.1969 ERNOS buss out from the road.

24.5 Vailla murheita Säv: Jukka Borg San: Sanna-Maria Mäkinen. Laulu JB

13.5 Thursday night with JB Look for the right mirror of God

11.5 Tuesday night take care your people, love them, feed them, be a friend

11.5 Aamulähetys heräämössä Jukka sedän kanssa.

10.5 Monday night with JB

6.5 Thursday music and thoughts from the Psalm 18

4.5 Tuesday night with Jey Bee

4.5 Tiistai aamu kahvilla Jukka sedän kanssa.

3.5. Monday night. Talking about word devour.

3.5 Monday Heräämö Aamulla kahvikupin lomassa muistellaan radio työn historiaa.

1.5 Saturday night extra musical moment

29.4 Thursday night musical relax moment

29.4 Thursday morning piano session.

28.4 Wednesday Jesus with us opening the Word of God.

27.4 Tuesday night God is seeking a friend.

27.4 Musical Tuesday morning

26.4 Monday night with JB Ministry of Jesus Christ in us.

23.4 Jukan Nurkka Kestävä pohja elämään, Kristuksen jalanjäljissä

22.4 Thursday morning musical relaxation time

21.4 Wednesday night session Get to know Him.

20.4 Tuesday night session follow Him.

19.4 Monday night session

18.4 Sunday night session with Jey Bee

17.4 Saturday short musical session

16.4 Perjantai ilta Jukan Nurkka.

15.4 Thursday session music and thoughts.

14.4 Wednesday night Jesus Christ it is our foundation.

14.4 Music Nature is still our. Jukka Borg ©

13.4 Tuesday night with Jey Bee

13.4 Tiistai Rähmää Silmissä. San 3

10.4 Saturday night Love is calling people.

9.4 Jukan Nurkka osa 1 Pidä huolta että sinulla on yhteys Jumalaan.

8.4 Thursday night with Jey Bee. Music © Jukka Borg

7.4 Musical night with Jey Bee in piano

6.4 Tuesday Musical night with my pianos.

2.4 Good Friday jam session alá style of JB

Wednesday 31.3 Musical moments mixed with the morning thought


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