Heartbeat of Life podcast

28.1 Live piano jam session style of JB

22.1 TIISTAI Jukka sedän kotikeittiö iltamyöhään.

21.1 Late Monday night piano bar with Jey Bee

21.1 Monday. What is a purpose of life. p Jukka

20.1 Sunday night live piano session alá style of JB

19.1 Life can be change. Late night with Jey Bee.

18.1 Friday late night show with Jey Bee

Tiistai 15.1 Jumalan kulttuuri kohtaa ihmisen. p Jukka

Monday 14.1 Stay tuned with God. p Jukka

Saturday 12.1 night piano session alá style of JB

9.1 Wednesday active Word in the Heart will protect my heart. p Jukka

Tuesday 8.1 Piano concert alá JB

1.1.2019 First live piano concerto alá style of JB

24.12 Joulu radio, Christmas radio Merry Christmas to all

17.12 Monday short thought just for you...power of prayer.

14.12 Music and thoughts p Jukka Love is above all.

12.12 Just in piano p Jukka

6.12 Itsenäisyys päivän puhe p Jukka Borg

5.12 Thought for the day

4.12 Aamun aatos tässä ja nyt. Joh 8:12

3.12 Christmas songs alá JB

3.12 Thought for the time. Built the house of the Lord

29.11 More and more courage people to seek fellowship in the body of Christ.

28.11 Thought for the Wednesday Relationship with God and people.

27.11 Love in the air p Jukka

23.11 Thought for the day Calling, Convictions, Personal Ministry.

23.11 Musical moment by JB

20.11 aamun sana p jukka

20.11 thought for the day p jukka

19.11 Monday night extra ..live piano with JB

16.11 Word for the Friday p Jukka

16.11 Perjantai Sana viikonlopuksi

14.11 Live Piano session by JB

14.11 Short thought from Rom 8

13.11 Aamun ajatukset Suomeksi p Jukka

12.11 Thought for the day p Jukka

9.11 Thought for the day p Jukka.

7.11 The Lord is near of those who have a broken heart p Jukka and p Julian

6.11 Aamun aatos Suomeksi Rakkaus muuttaa sisältä.

6.11 P Julian ..love is our strength

5.11 Thought for the day

31.10 Daily thought. Hide Godly convictions to your heart.

30.10 Message from the song Forgive Forgotten and gone for ever. p Jukka

30.10 Sanoma anteeksi annosta p Jukka


29.10 Live piano session by JB

29.10 Thought for the day p Jukka

24.10 Thought for the day Jesus Christ it is Alfa and Omega.

17.10 Lunch session with p Peter Vreeland

2.10 Olemme valkeuden lapsia p Jukka

1.10 Lunch session with p Kende. Why we go through the "nights" in our life

26.9 Thought for the day p Jukka and p Julian

26.9 Lunch session with p Schaller and others part I

26.9 Lunch session with p Schaller and others part II

25.9 Päivän Sana Tulkaa einehtimään, aamiaiselle Kristuksen kanssa.

24.9 Lunch session with p Jukka and p Kende Come to eat part II

24.9 Thought for the day: Come to eat. p Jukka

17.9 Lunch session with p Zoltan Mustafa

17.9 Lyhyt sanoma Suomeksi p Jukka

17.9 Thought for the day: God has a blessings for us.

14.9 Lunch session with p Mustafa and p Kende...do not be a turist Christian

14.9 JCB Concert 45 years on the road of gospel. part 1

12.9 Jukka sedän ääni kirje miehille

12.9 John 15 It is about you, He came to seek you.

12.9 Lunch session with p Zoltan Mustafa

11.9 Jeesus on Tie, Totuus ja Elämä p Jukka.

10.9 Lunch session with p Kende...We Are The Pre-Echo of His Kingdom

10.9 Musical moment and relax thoughts. p Jukka

7.9 Lunch session with p Jukka Borg and p Zoli Mustafa

7.9 Thoughts and JB music.

5.9 Lunch session with p Dulo Attila

5.9 What we need in our life now? God !

4.9 Ihminen ei kestä Jumalattomuuden varassa p Jukka.

3.9 Lunch session God is after us.. p Jukka and p Kende

3.9 God is for you. p Jukka.

31.8 lunch session with p Jukka Your value in the Lord´s calling

31.8 Thought for the day The running river fountain are you.

30.8 Jutustelua Jukka sedän musiikin lomassa, Suomeksi

30.8 Thought for the day Blessings p Jukka.

29.8 Lunch session with p Dulo Attila

29.8 Musical moment with JB playing classical way.

28.8 JB Music mixed with the thoughts..

27.8 Lunch session The value of the life. p JB

27.8 Thought mixed with the live piano music ala JB

24.8 Lunch session with Szabo Adam and p Kende

23.8 Thought for the day: Give your heart for me.

22.8 Thought for the day: we go through the tunnels of life. p Jukka

21.8 Päivän Sana Rakkaus ei koskaan häviä

17.8 Lunch session with p Jukka and p Kende

17.8 Thoughts and live piano music ala JB

16.8 Live Piano music alá style of JB

16.8 Thought for the day: Follow Me

15.8 Wednesday Lunch session with p Dulo Attila

13.8 Lunch session with p Kende Do not be a by stander

10.8 Thought for the day Iron sharpens the iron.

8.8 Lunch session with p Dulo Attila

8.8 Thought for the day: Incline your ear to my Word.

6.8 Lunch session with p Kende. Enemy is around of us but God is with us.


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