Heartbeat of Life podcast

19.4 Sunday extra 2

19.4 Sunday extra

18.4 Saturday

17.4 Friday night session. Where are you God.

Monday morning 13.4

16.4 Aamu Jukka sedän kanssa

Aften Song by Matti Borg Piano Jukka Borg

15.4 Wednesday night

15.4 Wednesday morning

14.4 Tuesday morning

12.4 Sunday night

12.4 Then came the morning. Sunday morning.

10.4 Easter concert and Word from John 17

Wednesday 8.4 early morning time with Jey Bee

7.4 Short time so called night fire place with Jey Bee.

Monday 6.4 night music and daily thought

4.4 Saturday night piano session

3.4 Night session with the music and Word.

3.4 Perjantai Aamukahvilla Jukka sedän kanssa, luetaan Sananlaskuja.

31.3 Hän antaa uuden sydämen.. Jumalan kulttuuri muuttaa minuun.

29.3 Suora lähetys Tampereen Raamattu Puhuu seurakunnasta.

28.3 Corona concert part 2

27.3 Aamu kahvilla Jukka sedän kanssa.

26.3 Corona concert part 1

21.3 Late night Saturday Music and thoughts.

21.3 Lauantai korona konsertti Suomeksi.

21.3 Saturday morning jam session

Thursday 19.3 We do not give up

18.3 Wednesday night part 2 calm your self

Wednesday 18.3 Let the peace of God rule in your heart.

16.3 Monday morning time with Jey Bee.

13.3 Friday late night concertto alá style of JB :)

9.3 Monday music and thought for the evening.

Sunday 8.3 Womens day Godly friends are covering

27.2 Thursday night God has a purpose even i do not see that.

24.2 Monday night Musical time and thoughts from the relationship with Jesus

18.2 Aamu lähetys Suomeksi kitara kainalossa.

18.2 Late night with Jey Bee God in action working in us part 2

18.2 p Jukka Borg God is after you through his action

18.2 P Alexei Action of God

Monday 17.2 extra Relax time.

15.2 Saturday night extra ..Waiting God

Thursday 13.2 night, Forgive Forget and Go Forward.

Thursday 13.2 morning music ..good morning.

10.2 Monday night .things are happening suddenly.

6.2 Torstai Elämän kosketus virvoittaa.

3.2 Monday night session..You are flower of God

1.2 Saturday night piano session

30.1 The Blood. JB piano music

30.1 Kun mielevä näkee vaaran, hän kätkeytyy.

29.1 Wednesday night. Iron sharpens the iron. God is molding us.

29.1 Wednesday daily thought about election and calling

28.1 Thoughts for the day

27.1 Monday in Finnish and English, Music and daily thought

25.1 Saturday night extra session.

23.1 Night time. There is Highway ..walk that full time.

23.1 Muistoja elämästä Lauluja taivaasta

22.1 Morning thought. We are home for God.

21.1 Elettyä elämää yhdessä ystävien

20.1 Daily thoughts

17.1 Friday We need to go through the details, order to learn God´s heartbeat.

16.1 Evening time with JB Thoughts and music

16.1 You are cow worker with God 1 Cor 3:9-11

14.1 The man, with the vision Nehemiah. Let´s be the wall builders.

13.1 Night time with JB Let the Word of God dwell in your heart.

13.1 Relax morning through the music and the Word psalm 27

Saturday night 11.1.2020 Just music for you

9.1.2020 Thursday night. Flames in the heart through the Word

9.1 More thoughts from the psalm 121

8.1 Wednesday morning thought psalm 121

6.1 Morning music alá style of JB

3,1 Friday night special together with Facebook TV

2.1 Part 2 Going forward, daily thought. Mixed with JB piano jam session.

1.1.2020 Night special. Vision for the future.

27.12 Night session You are special for God.

26.12 Late night with Jey Bee. Music and thoughts.

Wednesday night special music and special message..are you outsider or insider.

24.12 Are you lone? That is not true...and it is..but God is with you.

24.12 Some relax Christmas songs mixed with all mistakes in...like in our life as well.

21.12 JCB Concert

19.12 God knows all part II

19.12 God knows all and jet, He is listening YOU

17.12 Why we have Christmas, Easter, John 10:10

17.12 Grace meeting the women.

16.12 He is the Lord, all mighty, He is resurrection.

16.12 Monday morning. Grace grace and grace. JB

15.12 Sunday night extra. Romantic piano music just for you.

14.12 Saturday morning piano music. JB

13.12 Friday night We are one body.

13.12 Friday: Do you love me, I love YOU

13.12 Friday. Early morning piano music. JB

12.12 Thursday Wait God in the silence.

12.12 live piano music alá style of JB

10,12 Tuesday Faithful God with in us.

9.12 Monday night. God knows all. Be thankful.

9.12.2019 Monday. God it is with you in your daily moments.

6.12 Early morning piano music just for you.


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